Types Of Braces by Zahnersatz Berlin

by zahnarztzahnersatzberlin

Zahnersatz Berlin

Zahnersatz Berlin

The most ordinary type of cosmetic surgery is the use of braces; the Zahnersatz Berlin places braces in the mouth to correct and help the teeth to come in proper, original and their natural place and their position is also corrected as well. Malocclusion is the cause which disposition teeth in the mouth, it is a common dental problem; it is difficult to cure but not impossible and the best solution to for this purpose is the use of braces. Sometimes dental surgery is needed to solve the problem but most of the cases are cured by the use of braces and they are found useful for this purpose.

The simplest thing that one can use to cure it is the use of retainer, retainer are not braces actually but are used for the same reason as they can help the teeth to find their original, minor problems regarding teeth can be cured using a retainer.

Differentiation between Retainer And Braces:

It has been discussed above that the retainer is also used for the repositioning of teeth and to keep to keep them in proper position, but the main difference that occurs between the both is retainer’s versatility. Retainer can be used for almost all dental problems regarding dis-positioning of teeth while the braces are used only for limited purposes, as the retainer is used to position your teeth perfectly and so that they can’t be removed ever from their position.

Types Of Braces:

There are many different types of braces available in the market used for different purposes and of different qualities. As there are so many different types of braces used for different problems therefore a dentist can help you greatly on this issue. Some of the types of braces are discussed below.
Brackets (braces):

Brackets are the type of braces which are extensively and widely used even they are the most favorite type of braces which are used for dental problems. Brackets are made up of thin wires which go around the teeth and cover the upper jaw as well as the lower jaw. Metal plastics and different types of ceramics are used in the manufacturing of these braces, where the plastics and ceramics are used for cosmetic purposes, but the problem they face is that they get stained after passage of some time, only the metal braces last and work longer as compare to ceramic and plastic braces, the metal braces are reliable, durable and long lasting too.

Lingual Braces:

The lingual braces are used more often and widely now days as they are more ideal and trend setters as well, In addition they are trendiest because they are stuck at the back of the teeth instead of being at the front, so others cannot see that the braces are used at all.

Traditional braces:

Traditional braces were those braces which were used in the past; they can also be seen today but are very rare. In this type the whole teeth were wrapped around the metal and then the whole oral cavity was filled with metal.